Small, Yet Significant
Acts 4:5-13 Eighteen years ago, a book came out called, The Prayer of Jabez . The basis of the book was two short verses in 1 Chronicles 4 (in the midst of a genealogy, no less) in which Jabez prays that God would bless him, and God grants his request. The passage is one of those which we typically would gloss over, but this book brought it to the fore and made it prominent. Of course, all Scripture is God-breathed and useful (2 Tim 3:16), but the Jabez movement seemed to make more of this passage than it warranted. It’s hardly a passage around which one should build their life. Ultimately, I think that the Jabez movement serves best as a cautionary tale of what not to do with Scripture. This short passage in Acts also would seem to be one of those passages which we are tempted to gloss over. A couple of apostles are in jail for preaching the Gospel and healing, and now the authorities are interrogating them for this work. If you read Acts enough, this sort of thing becomes par