Obscured Vision
1 Samuel 3:1-20 Give credit to the Old Testament authors—especially the author of Samuel!—because they knew how to tell stories. What they wrote was more than just history because they were interpreting the events for people at a later time, trying to help them see the triumphs and the sorrows of the earlier period. As they told these stories, they framed them carefully and gave minute details at just the right moment to really bring out their point. Not only was this a matter of artistry, but it also was a necessity since the materials for scrolls were so rare. So, the authors had to share the most important details and leave out the rest. The first two verses of this story contain multiple details like that, and the one which stands out today is this: “At that time Eli, whose eyesight had begun to grow dim so that he could not see…” If you are reading carefully, your ears might perk up at these words. As you begin to consider why the author would tell us this, you remember th