Understanding the Teacher

Matthew 16:5-12
There’s a curious little story in Matthew 16 involving Jesus and the disciples. As they are travelling together, Jesus issues a warning to the disciples which they misunderstand. In response Jesus says, “You of little faith, why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not perceive? Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you gathered? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many baskets you gathered? How could you fail to perceive that I was not speaking about bread?” (Matt 16:8-11)
When we read a passage like this, it is easy to think to ourselves, “Those stupid disciples. They are at it again not understanding what Jesus has to say”; but I want to encourage us to look a little closer at the disciples’ failure. At first glance, Jesus’ words are a little cryptic, even if we wouldn’t necessarily jump to the same conclusion which the disciples made. However, Jesus’ response to their lack of understanding is instructive. You see, in order to prompt their understanding, Jesus reminds them of the miracles they have seen him do. Why would he be talking about a lack of bread when it is clear that he has provided plenty of bread? They need only to remember what he has done to understand what he says.
I think this also is important for us. Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been debates about what Jesus (or God in general) meant by some of his teachings. Some conclude one way and some another, divisions sometimes can spring up, and often many people can be hurt in the process. What our story today suggests is that our understanding will be improved if only we will watch what Jesus has done and is doing; and the ultimate example of this is Jesus’ life which concluded with his death on the cross. In this we see Jesus’ love and sacrifice which is the paramount lens through which we ought to view the cryptic teachings of the Bible.
As we remember this act of God in Jesus Christ, may we discern rightly the myriad teachings which have been spoken to us. -TL

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